Knights of Pen & Paper Wiki

Knight ‣ Knight Skills

Combat Skill[]

Knight s1

(Passive) Trains night and day raising critical hit, life steal, and physical resistance.

Level Critical HP Steal Physical Resistence
1 3% 5% 1%
2-10 +2% +2% +1%
10 21% 23% 10%
11-? +1.5% +1.5% +0.75%
20 36% 38% 18%

Defensive Strike[]

Knight s2

Deals a critical chance attack and reduces 50% of damage taken until next turn.

Level Cost Critical
1 2 MP 20%
2-10 +1 MP +5%
10 11 MP 65%
11-? +0.75 MP +3.75%
20 18 MP 103%

Dragon Blood[]

Knight s3

The knight attacks and steals HP based on his damage.

Level Cost HP Steal
1 2 MP 20%
2-10 +1 MP +20%
10 11 MP 200%
11-? +0.75 MP +15%
20 18 MP 350%


Knight s4

The knight gets on the frontline of the battle. Raises threat and physical resistance.

Level Cost Bonus Threat Physical resistance Duration
1 4 MP 5 2% 2 turns
2-10 +2 MP +5 +1% +1 turn
10 22 MP 50 11% 11 turns
11-? +1.5MP +3.75 +0.75% +0.75 turn
20 37 MP 87 19% 18 turns